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The difference between Customer Advocacy and Fan Advocacy!

All organizations strive in reaching the maximum customer advocacy; because more customers that are ‘for’ the brand, the more business and moolah the company makes.

But one thing that causes a lot of confusion, amongst many brands is the distinct differentiation between customer and fan advocacy. How do you turn a fan into a continuous advocate for the brand? Well, we’ve got the magic touch.

When social media first started, many companies were hell-bent with getting Facebook fans, without really understanding that they would prefer customers. It is a known fact that raving fans are very opinionated and are most often are the segment, that doesn’t like to put their money where their mouths are.

Don’t get us wrong the two are interlinked as fan advocacy is a subsection of customer advocacy. And the key questions to tick as an organization, would be ‘How can we convert the average fan into a customer?’

….Well, first things first your communication needs to be clear, concise and very persuasive. In conjunction with a clear message, you also need to make sure whether you are conducting a mini brochure, or infographic the key aspect is to convert, convert, and convert.

And that’s where we come into play. We specialize in maintaining long-term relationships through our perfectly crafted social media posts AND MORE!

Chat to us at IMS and we can transform your fan into a customer!