Your search ad’s relevance to your keywords, landing page and to the person using Google is considered – by Google Ads – to be one of the most important aspects to adverting on Google. Google wants to show all the people using Google products only the most relevant content specific to each person’s interests. The higher the relevance of your ads, the greater your ads quality score, and the lower your ads cost-per-click (CPC). Simply, ad relevance is very important.
What is Ad relevance?
Google defines ad relevance as how closely your search ad campaign matches a person’s search on Google. Google determines this by how closely related your keywords, ad content (headings and descriptions), and landing page are to each other. Keyword relevance refers to how closely your keywords relate to your ad content.
How ad relevance is determined.
Google scans through your keywords, ad content and landing page and tries to find matching words or phrases. Depending on how closely related your keywords are to your ad content and landing page; Google will assign a relevance status to your keyword. There are three ad relevance statuses:
1. Below average
This status suggests that your ad content, keywords and landing page have a very low relevance to each other and to the person who clicked on your ad.
2. Average
This status suggests that your ad content, keywords and landing page are relevant to each other.
3. Above average
This status suggests that your ad content, keywords and landing page are highly relevant to each other and to the person who clicked on your ad.
How to improve the relevance of your ads.
When creating a search campaign on Google Ads it is good to have one focus per ad group. One product or service type instead of a generalist approach that covers all your products or services. This way your keywords can be more specific to that product or service. For your search ad’s content focus on that same product or service; including your keywords in your search ad text can help increase the relevance of your ads. Make sure your ad’s landing page matches what you are advertising. For example, if you are selling men’s watches, make sure your keywords are closely related to men’s watches and in your search ad content be clear about selling men’s watches. Your landing page should also be clear about selling a product that is men’s watches. It sounds very tedious and repetitive however, if done correctly you could get more valuable customers at a lower cost to you.