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How to Improve Page Quality: 5 Expert Tips

Is your webpage not performing how you intended it to? Perhaps not attracting as many people as you thought it would? Or maybe it’s lulling at the bottom of page two on Google’s search results? This all boils down to something called page quality, and in this article, we’re going to explore what page quality is and how you can improve it to turbocharge your page’s performance.

Let’s get to it.

What is page quality?

Page Quality, or PQ, refers to a rating system for web pages on the web. Search engines have their own unique set of criteria for ranking the page quality of a website. Although each search engine will use its own criteria to create the ranking of a page, there are some general guidelines that all major search engines share.

Google’s Search Quality Raters Guidelines

Google has its own Search Quality Raters Guideline which is a frequently updated document that Google Quality raters reference as they rate websites. According to this document, which you can find here, the most important factors when considering Page Quality rating are as follows:

  • Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness of a page
  • Main content quality and amount
  • The purpose of the page
  • Website information
  • Website reputation

With this is mind, let’s look at some tips that you can implement right now to improve the quality if your page(s).

5 tips to improve page quality

Once you’ve determined the quality of individual pages, make a list of the pages that you want to work on and then apply the following 5 suggestions.

#1: Narrow down on page intent

An important part of improving the quality of a page is to understand the search intent behind the page. You need to do this because it helps ensure that your pages show up for the right search intents.

When evaluating the intent of a page, ask yourself – does the page have informational, navigational or transactional intent?

#2: Create unique, high-quality content

A vital component that will determine the quality of your page is content. In the wake of Google’s helpful content update, is has become paramount to create content that is unique and geared for humans to consume.

Strive to write something that’s unique. Sure, there is a lot of content on the web but to do well, you need to create original content.

#3: Demonstrate expertise

These days it’s easy to own a website. As great as this is, it has brought rise to some trust issues when it comes to unfamiliar websites.

As such, it’s important to show readers that they can trust your website. But how do you do this? You can accomplish this by using things like testimonials, security seals, great UX and heaps of helpful content.

#4: Improve site speed

Site speed, along with core web vitals, have become an important Google ranking factor. Understandably so – faster websites are easier for search engines to process and snappier for users to use, thus eliminating friction at all corners.

#5: Improve UX

UX, also known as user experience, considers how users experience a website, or digital product. At the end of the day, search engines want to provide the best possible experience for users; this doesn’t necessarily mean the best search result, but the result that offers the best experience.

Take a good look at your website’s user experience and consider how you can improve things with the aid of UX design.